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Back in July, we touched on what now qualifies as “low income” in the Bay Area ($117,000 annually). So it’s no wonder why many families are moving out of the Bay Area simply because they can’t afford to live here anymore. People working in the service industry are finding that if they don’t have a tech job, the salary as a barista isn’t going to cut it. This is forcing people to areas like Sacramento or even other states where they can have a better quality of life and afford a home. According to The Mercury News, 52% of Millennials say they will be attempting to leave the area in the next few years. Which is troubling, considering Millennials are the group that is driving the workforce now. If they can’t afford to live here, then they won’t start families here and that means their children won’t be serving you your next Grande Vanilla Chai Latté…so who will?

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